Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Praying so God can answer

If you're like me, you feel like you're constantly saying prayers that receive no answer. Sometimes it's difficult to receive an answer to things I desire. I was talking to my sister about this and she suggested an article she had just read called "How to Pray in a Way God Can Answer". I was up early this morning due to not being able to sleep so I read it. Such a good article! It is so important that we align our will with God's as we pray. At times it can seem difficult to do that. HOW might we do that you ask? Here is a suggestion from the article:

  • My desire+
  • "but if not"+
  • Godly desire=
  • praying for something God can grant
I'm going to try this and see if I'm able to get better answers to my prayers. I'll post about my results in a few weeks:)

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Answered prayers

Let me just start out this post by saying: I'VE BEEN WALKING AROUND WITHOUT MY CRUTCHES TODAY!

This morning I got up and decided to try it out. I limped to the bathroom and did alright. Then I finished getting ready and limped around the house without crutches. Then I had to walk out to my car which was parked a couple houses down. I made it there and back with NO CRUTCHES! It's truly a miracle. I couldn't walk on Monday. Yesterday I made a weak attempt to walk without them. Today I'm WALKING AROUND, UP AND DOWN STAIRS without crutches. God is good. That's all I have to say.

I know that God answers prayers. I know that many people have been praying for a swift recovery and this is nothing but an answer to those prayers. So grateful <3

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tender Mercies

Today I went back to work after taking yesterday off to let my knee rest. I misplaced my keys so I was using Missy's key to drive the car. I dropped her off at work and then drove to where I work in Orem. I knew I needed my key to get into my office but I remembered there is a spare key in one of the classrooms, so I wasn't too worried about not being able to get into my office. I got to work and crutched myself to the gate. That's when I remembered I needed my gate key! I laughed at myself for forgetting. I texted Gabe really quick (the Health Specialist who works in the same office as me) to see when he was going to get there. Luckily he got there 10 minutes later. He let me in and then we got to work. Well kinda. Gabe and I talk a lot so really it was talk for like 20 minutes and then work for 30 and then talk for another 10...and then repeat. I feel blessed that I enjoy the people I work with.    That really is a huge blessing!

At 4 o'clock I had a girl come in to do an application for her son. She's only 7 months older than me, so I felt like I was talking to a friend. I love what I do because I get to meet different people and hear their stories. This particular girl hasn't graduated from high school yet and is just working at Savers. She has two kids and is living with her parents. The thought that I was her same age and had a college degree crossed my mind. All of a sudden I felt extremely blessed to be where I am. Since graduating from high school I've served an LDS mission, graduated from college, have a full time job, and am going to Ecuador in a few short weeks! I've had so many experiences. My heart went out to this young mother. It must be hard to be in that position. I really hope her child is accepted into the program so that I can work with her next year. She has a lot of potential :)

Alsooo...when I got home I put my crutches down to see if I could get around without them. I was able to limp around for a little bit! WOOHOO! It's only day 2 and I'm already able to walk a little bit! Give me 18 days and I'll be good as new! God is so good you guys. I'm glad this isn't going to keep me from going to Ecuador like I thought. I was really nervous on Sunday. I'm grateful for priesthood blessings and the promise I received that my knee would heal fully in the Lord's timing. It looks like his timing is quicker than I expected.

Inspiration for today: "Trust in God and believe in good things to come." Jeffery R. Holland

Monday, May 16, 2016


Sometimes life just stinks.

Sometimes things happen at the worst possible time and all you can do is laugh at how ironic life is. On Friday I went hot tubbing with my roommate and our friend and I must have stayed in too long because when I got out I passed out, which resulted in me injuring my left side pretty badly when I fell. I thought I cracked a rib but since it's feeling better I don't think it's cracked. All weekend as I was telling different people the story I kept saying "I'm just so grateful it wasn't my leg or ankle since I'm going to Ecuador in 3 weeks!" As some of you know, I have a bone condition called Osteogenesis Imperfecta which results in my bones being softer than normal, meaning while someone else might get a sprain, I tend to break a bone. Well, what do you know. The Lord sure has a funny sense of humor. Missy and I went to Steven and Debi's for dinner yesterday and as we were leaving I went to walk across their lawn and I stepped in a hole and hyperextended my knee pretty badly. All I could do was laugh because I literally had just finished telling them how grateful I was that I hadn't injured my leg or ankle on Friday when I passed out. The timing was just hilarious.

I thought I had torn my ACL or dislocated my knee but I'm pretty sure it's just hyperextended. I'm hoping for a miracle and that I will be able to walk on it by the time I go to Ecuador. I got a blessing from a couple of the boys next door and in the blessing I was promised that the injury would heal completely, although the length of recovery is unknown and would happen in the Lord's timing. I was told I just have to have faith. I can do that. Honestly, when I first heard the blessing I was convinced I wasn't gong to Ecuador anymore. That's what it sounded like! I know that the Lord knows me and my situation and that things will turn out they need to. I have faith that if it's the right thing, the Lord can perform a miracle and heal my knee before I go to Ecuador. But if not, I will still trust in Him and his promises. I was also told in my blessing that I need to pray to find out other ways I can use my body to serve others.

What I have learned this weekend is that sometimes life stinks. Sometimes the Lord doesn't prevent things from happening to us. But in the midst of it all, we have a loving Heavenly Father and brother Jesus Christ who sees us through all our disappointments and discouragements. We have to take what life gives us and roll with it. I love this quote from Marjorie Pay Hinckley:

"The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache."