Sunday, October 21, 2018

22 weeks

This past monday we had our 22 week anatomy ultrasound, where they checked all of Evelyn's organs to make sure they look good and they are developing normally. The sonographer spent about 1/3 of the time on her heart, and said it looks perfect. Everything else looks perfect too! The only thing he noticed is that she has a SUA (single umbilical artery), which means her umbilical cord only has a vein and an artery, as opposed to 2 arteries and a vein (or 2 veins and an artery, I can't remember which it's supposed to be). He said that when they see this usually it's accompanied by heart problems or other problems. He went over her heart two more times and said it looks absolutely perfect, so he is not worried. At first Nick and I were a little nervous, but the more research I did the more I found that it's not a big deal and most babies are born perfectly healthy, just a little on the smaller side. Some mom's are induced a little early as well, as some babies growth slows down at the end of the third trimester. I am hoping that between her SUA and my (maybe) bone condition I will be induced early and not have to go all the way to 40 weeks. This week we see the doc on wednesday the 24 and he will tell us what he thinks about the SUA.

This past week was the first week people started commenting on my baby bump! It's fun to finally look pregnant. Evie moves around soooo much. She loves to move around when I lay down to sleep at night, and often anytime I am sitting I can feel her poking around. Feeling her so active eases my mind that the SUA should be concerning.

The test for my OI ended up costing only $250! Seriously such a miracle. I went and got my blood drawn on Friday, so we should know in the next few weeks if I have it or not. Lauren (the genetic counselor) said that there is a 90% accuracy rate with this test. I can either get a positive, negative, or I'll get a result that basically says that they couldn't tell either way (I hope it comes back positive or negative).

Monday, October 8, 2018

Week 20!

Last week I hit 20 weeks pregnant. We are officially half way through this pregnancy! Little Evie is growing so much and she loves to move around. I feel her all the time. Nick can feel her now too! The next 20 weeks seem like an eternity and I can't wait till I am holding her in my arms.

I had an appt with another high risk doctor since our insurance changed. When I got there I told the nurse I didn't need an ultrasound and I just needed to talk to the doctor about getting a pre authorization for genetic testing. The doctor (a woman) was SO awesome! She came right in and told me what she thought the mix up was and that she new I needed to talk to her genetic counselor. That's exactly what I needed! I had to wait a little bit to see the counselor but when I finally met with her she had all my notes from when I met with the genetic counselor at the U in 2011 after I broke my ankle. She was so efficient and kind! The best part is that she thinks the test will only be $250, instead of $10,000 like I was told when I called the U, and I can get it done right there with her at UVSH in Provo. Okay seriously PLEASE let it only cost $250. Fingers crossed. I just want to know if I have this dang disease or not!

Conference weekend was this past weekend (I'm now 21 weeks prego :)) and it was so awesome! Church structure has been reorganized to 2 hours of church instead of 3. The Church is moving to a more home study base instead of just at church. I think it will be awesome and felt strongly that this will be another tool to fortify our homes against the forces of evil. Nick and I have been arguing about whether or not I should keep going to school after Evie is born. I feel (felt?) like I should and Nick really thinks I shouldn't. I was hoping for an answer during conference but I didn't feel strongly one way or another. Yesterday the thought of withdrawing from school made me sad and anxious. I talked to mom and she told me to follow my gut. But today I prayed and felt peace about staying at home. So I'm really confused. When I look at the logisitics of it I find my self frustrated often at my internship and the way the program is run. Nick and I are paying a lot of money out of pocket, and last week there was nothing to do at my internship so I left early 3 days in a row. Not good. Today I found out through my co worker that one of the birth mom's we are working with had her baby. No one told me. I felt frustrated. And then I am supposed to be working on a 20 hour project with an intern at head start and I haven't heard anything from her so I emailed her today and found out we have a meeting at 2:30. I'm starting to doubt if I'll even get my 20 hours with this project so I emailed my professor to ask if I can find another project. I'm starting to feel better about staying home and taking care of Evie next semester. But I don't just want to do it because that's what Nick wants me to do. I want to do it because that's what I ALSO feel is best for our family. I don't want to feel like my husband said no so I am not doing it. I don't want to feel oppressed. But I just don't know and I feel frustrated with the whole situation.