Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Week 30!!

I am 30 weeks this week! I can't believe we are going to have a little one in our arms in 2 months. This pregnancy has seriously flown. We went to Texas for Thanksgiving and I finally realized I don't need my nausea pills anymore. I ran out so I wasn't taking them as often and I was fine. I've been fine and feel completely normal ever since! Little Evie is growing so much and I feel her moving all the time. She loves to roll around and she loves hanging out in my sides. My back has really been hurting the last couple weeks and I'm pretty sure I tore a muscle to the left of my sternum. It's been sore for the last few months but a few nights ago I rolled over in my sleep and felt a really sharp pain. Ever since then it's been really achy. I'm also getting more fatigued. I told Nick that I am going to be in shape for my next pregnancy because having an achy body is no fun :( I am so excited to meet this little girl!