Sunday, January 27, 2019

Week 37

Pregnancy is getting more and more uncomfortable but Evie is healthy and growing alot! It's hard to breath sometimes because she is pressing on my lungs and when I don't drink enough water my heart starts to race and I feel out of breath. At my last appt the doctor said she weighs over 6 lbs. I was able to set a day to get induced- Feb 13! Mom, dad, Blake, and Vickie are all flying in the 12. Dad, Blake, and Vickie are leaving the 17 and mom will stay until the 22. I can't believe we will have a baby in 2.5 weeks!

Yesterday Nick and I went to breakfast at cracker barrel and it was really nice to have some quality time before the baby comes.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Week 33!

I can't believe little Evie will be here in 6-7 weeks! Time is honestly flying. Nick and I spent the last two weeks in Texas with our families. It was so fun! All my siblings were together for the first time. Little Bobbie is so cute! She makes the funniest facial expressions and has such an attitude. All the siblings pitched in to get dad a Traeger for Christmas and he was so surprised! It was a great Christmas.

Being 33 weeks pregnant now I feel so huge and uncomfortable. Evie moves around so much and I can often feel what I think are little hands and feet portruding out of my stomach. I feel like I waddle every where now. We can't wait until she is here in our arms!